No more Natty Greene's homebrewing comp. :(

Steve Killen steven.f.killen at
Mon Jul 23 18:09:00 EDT 2012


So, turns out the monthly homebrewing comp. is cancelled indefinitely. Poor
guy, he's probably realizing how much work it adds to his schedule :-\ So,
the only two competitions coming up are the state fair (entry Sep 3rd-7th)
and the Piedmont (entry early October).

The porter is probably ok to come out of the fridge at this point, so
whenever we want to brew next is fine by me. I've texted Joey about his
plans, just waiting to hear back from him. Since he's doing a 5-gallon
batch, we could follow it up with 5 gallons of something else pretty
quickly. My main constraint is my due dates, as the final weeks of summer
II are upon me. When's good for y'all?

Steven F. Killen <steven.f.killen at>
| elvestinkle @ twitter

Etsi provectus in sententiis sis
Esse parvulus in spiritus debes
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