[HCoop-Discuss] Proportional Representation?

Adam Megacz megacz at hcoop.net
Fri Feb 29 12:08:47 EST 2008

Michael Potter <mpotter at hcoop.net> writes:
> like allowing people to opt-out of AFS if using 'fs' irritates them,

Opting out of AFS is not the problem; you're free to stop using it any
time you like.

Providing some sort of *other* storage for users, backing it up,
making it network-accessible to deleuze, outpost, xanadu, and both
web/shell servers (we just bought a second one) in a **SECURE**
manner, etc -- all that is a major load on the admins not just once to
set up, but to commit to maintaining on an indefinite/perpetual basis.

It's very hard to remove something once it is made available to
members (for example, the htaccess situation).

  - a

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