[HCoop-Discuss] Renaming thymus

Nathan Kennedy ntk at hcoop.net
Sat Feb 23 17:42:37 EST 2008

I had a different name for thymus originally that I forgot.  When I 
installed Debian on it yesterday I picked the name "thymus" quite at 
random, but think you will agree it is quite lame.  Let's come up with a 
different name for it before it becomes so rooted that it can't be 
changed (as happened with mire, although I think that was okay).

Please do not reply to this thread! We don't need a million emails 
discussing server names here.

Instead go to the wiki at http://wiki.hcoop.net/RenameThymus and suggest 
a name or criticize/complement other names.  The one I like the most 
after some reasonable period of time in the near future, taking into 
account feedback, is what it will be named (since I donated it).  Hint: 
I like names that are not TOO cheesy and are easy to type and remember.  
6 characters is better than 8 unless it is an especially good, 
easy-to-type name.  >8 characters will not be accepted.



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