[HCoop-Discuss] When I talk do you listen? Do you answer? Parlez-vous francais

Stephen Taylor staylor at hcoop.net
Sun Feb 24 01:25:48 EST 2008

Nathan you talk about anyone can be a member, members
all over the world, other skills that can be as useful
as the technical stuff...

Tell me about yourself. Yes I should read the contact
pages. But I'm still asking. ( I read too fast )

If I'm a retired (nice word for older and less than
busy) copy-editor, file clerk, commune-resident,
volunteer co-ordinator, minutes clerk with too much
time pushing food (politely) onto people's tables,
living in snowbound Ottawa, Canda; secretly continuing
my 18-year search for -- a way to stay warm -- what
are you?

I still don't really know how Freenode #hcoop works
but my nick/alias there is duoduo. My websites are
part of my "hopes for a better world." 

staylor at ncf.ca
staylor at hcoop.net

Somebody please say something. (Part of the campaign
to make the snow go away. Only in Canada. Soon.)

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