[HCoop-Discuss] Misconcenptions about the deposit requirement

Nathan Kennedy ntk at hcoop.net
Tue Feb 19 10:00:10 EST 2008

Omry Yadan wrote:
> You know, about that:
> I currently forward all my hcoop emails to my own email address, and I 
> my hcoop email is a spam bait.
> 90% of the spam I get is sent to that address.
> it's so annoying that I am considering turning off this forwarding.
> I don't get _anything_ useful sent to my hcoop email. I am easy enough 
> to find.
> if hcoop isn't already - it should have an option for users to specify a 
> contact email address and not assume user at hcoop.net will work.
I have no idea why this would be the case.  A Google search for your 
yadan.net email address yields almost 1000 hits.  A search for your 
hcoop.net address yields zero.  If spammers have really found or 
brute-forced your @hcoop.net address or your @yadan.net address, there's 
no reason for that I can see, certainly nothing being done wrong on our 
end.  I get an inordinate amount of spam to my hcoop address myself, 
probably about 1/3 of it direct, 1/3 of it to my other addresses being 
forwarded, and 1/3 to other HCoop aliases that I receive mail on.

That being said, it is not unreasonable of us to require you to read 
@hcoop.net emails anyway.  You can easily configure it to forward only 
emails from the @hcoop.net domain and delete or archive the rest.  Spam 
is not an excuse for not reading email at all.


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