[HCoop-Discuss] Cables cut [all mideast/south asia members]

Nathan Kennedy ntk at hcoop.net
Fri Feb 1 12:55:39 EST 2008

Are any of our members in India or the Middle East experience internet
trouble?  From the news I understand that three major ocean cables have
been cut and most connectivity to Europe is gone.  Are you having trouble
getting to HCoop?

I guess if you are you won't see this email.

This points to a very long-range idea that it would be nice not just to
build up at one datacenter but to have a server or two at various
geographically disparate locations.  Having a VPS or colo server in
California is a good start.  In the longer-term future it would be nice to
set something up in Europe and Asia, especially as our overseas membership
base expands.  (Most HCoop members have been outside of the USA for some


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