[HCoop-Discuss] My election platform

Adam Chlipala adamc at hcoop.net
Sat Apr 7 01:54:39 EDT 2007

Seeing some of the discussion on this list (and, yes, the partial 
election results so far), I just wanted to get the following off my chest.

I feel personally hurt by notions like those that "environmental policy" 
is more important in this election than records of handling the _real_ 
issues that show up in keeping the co-op from collapsing.  I don't want 
to mount a "smear campaign" because I enjoy working with and value the 
contributions of all of the other candidates, but they've all had 
significant incidents in the "lapse of responsibility" category, along 
the lines of missing scheduled meetings that depended critically on 
their presences, having unannounced weeks-long incommunicado periods, 
etc..  I don't think I've ever done anything in that category, and I've 
also proposed and supervised every major change in the co-op since 
before it was even a co-op.

I've done at least 90% of all work ever done to support HCoop, and I 
like to think that puts me in a position to have a pretty good idea of 
where we stand and what the important challenges over the next year 
are.  I feel like I'm being punished for accurately reporting that we 
have some major fundamental infrastructural issues to address before it 
makes sense to look beyond running a quality Internet hosting service, 
while other candidates who haven't had any hand in the day-to-day 
operations of HCoop are rewarded for proposing ideas based on 
unrealistic models of where the co-op stands today.  I get the 
impression that members accustomed to TV news sound bytes from 
presidential candidates take my position here as some kind of surly 
refusal to elucidate a platform.  That's not it at all; after 5 years of 
running this service, I truly feel that working on anything else takes 
critical effort away from some _serious_ issues that we have to work on 
in terms of hosting reliability and sustainability of how we distribute 
work among volunteers.

I've also updated my blurb on the Election2007 page:

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