[Hcoop-discuss] Poll on how much you're willing to invest in HCoop

Adam Chlipala adamc at hcoop.net
Wed May 24 19:03:37 EDT 2006

rob at hcoop.net wrote:

>I agree with doc in that I don't think its time for expansion.  I think
>the current fyodor server is doing its job pretty well.
OK, so I've proposed a solution where you don't have to pay any more for 
the new services.  However, I stand by my statements that it's obvious 
that our current set-up is seriously lacking, especially in the areas of 
back-ups and (growable) disk space.

>I think
>there is ample disk space available for those who need 'arbitrary large'
>allocations.  We currently have 62 gigs free in /home.
That is nowhere near enough.  I'm talking about members who want tens of 
gigabytes each.

>The majority of the problems listed here:
>http://wiki.hcoop.net/wiki/CurrentSystemGripes will not be solved by
>upgrading our hardware or finding a new service provider.
Yes, people have added unrelated issues to that after I initially 
included that text on a different page that was clearly dedicated to new 
colocation plans.

>Why is Abu still running?  Why are we not using it?  Why are we still pay
>for this?
It's still running because it provides various (admittedly low 
importance) secondary services, and we're still paying because the cost 
is negligible enough.

>At the moment, aren't we currently accepting anyone who wants to join?  I
>don't like the idea that I will be fronting the cost to expand our hosting
>capabilities as we wait for new members to come.
You won't be; you and anyone else will be given the option to pay no 
more than at present.

>We advertise on the
>front page of the site that member dues are about 5 dollars.  We should
>aim to keep it this way, always.
So you feel, but I don't think that this is a critical requirement when 
using a sliding scale.

>What are the problems with taking out a
A loan to cover recurring monthly costs for an unspecified amount of 
time?  That sounds scary to me.

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