[Hcoop-discuss] Web design tweaked

Adam Chlipala adamc at hcoop.net
Sun Nov 13 11:32:50 EST 2005

I've updated my web design proposal at:

to make it look passable in the latest versions of all of the browsers 
that people are using to access members.hcoop.net, which are:
- Mozilla/5.0 (79.23%)
- MSIE 6.0 (19.84%)
- Konqueror/3.4 (0.25%)
- Opera 8.5 (0.22%)

The rest of the hits are from spiders and other non-browser 
thingamabobs.  Interestingly enough, from further consultation of the 
Webalizer pages whence I gleaned this information, www.hcoop.net has a 
higher Mozilla to IE ratio than members.hcoop.net!  C'mon, guys, we can 
at least make an effort to be geekier than the general public! ;-)

I mainly tweaked some margins and padding to account for different 
browser defaults, and I also switched to Anil's newest logo.  I 
converted it to GIF, since it seems some of y'all have browsers that 
don't support transparency in PNGs.

The wiki page again for discussing this is:

I'm hoping for one or more persons who are web design experts to either 
produce remixes of this design that address any comments worth handling, 
or to declare that they don't like mine and create their own marvelous 
substitutes. :-)

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