[SQLiteJDBC] COALESCE and CASE Statements

Andy Wilbourn awilbourn at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 08:56:44 EST 2010

I think I have pretty much confirmed COALESCE is broken for this
implementation of JDBC. If I knew more about Java (just learning it), then I
would be willing to try and fix the issue, but not sure how you would debug
a driver as to see what is going on it where we need to be. 


I use NetBeans to look at the database. If I run a query that has a COALESCE
(really a view in the database) I get no data, but no meaningful error
message. The results does tell me there is an error, but no message as to
what the problem is. I also have found that to use quoted identifiers does
not seem to go well, but if you use brackets it does ok. So rather than
"column name" you have to use [column name]. I am fine with not using
quotes, but I am using a third party database and that is how they wrote the
views so a little out of my control.


I would appreciate any direction or follow up from developers of the

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