Brewing Schedule...

Clinton Ebadi clinton at
Fri Mar 16 17:18:47 EDT 2012

Steve Killen <steven.f.killen at> writes:

> There was no forcing. As stated, the grains would have been fine to be stored
> for a week--so if you really didn't want to brew, you should have just
> postponed. And bpt was the one who made the offer to brew. You're twisting the
> narrative to avoid having to acknowledge that you wanted to put work off to
> brew.

Sure, you didn't /physically/ force anyone to brew...

Anyway, were there any issues with Luna Moth as far as mashing / grain /
volume go? I think we should brew tomorrow -- Rachel has to leave early
enough on Sunday that it's pushing it.

I'd also like to not have to go to the brew store ... I think the best
plan of action is for you to head down here and then go back with Rachel
while the folks here heat the mash water up to strike temp (it's a
pretty short hop and back when there's no traffic).

Then ... partyparty.

Jessie: i stuck the phone antenna up the dogs nose and he ignored me
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