[Calefaction Wiki] Update of "HomeBrewing" by SteveKillen

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Tue Feb 21 23:52:36 EST 2012

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The "HomeBrewing" page has been changed by SteveKillen:

- The water ion nomograph is pulled from Palmer's [[http://howtobrew.com/section3/chapter15-3.html|How To Brew]]. Looks like our water profile in Raleigh is good for pale, bitter beers; it's got a sulfate:chloride ratio of 4:1. To make darker, maltier beers, some additions will be required. SteveKillen estimates that for our 8ish-gallon water volume, a total of 3.6g chalk, 3.6g baking soda, and 4g of non-iodized salt will provide a better water profile for malty beers like the Bubonic Porter.<<FootNote(Additions calculated using http://www.brewersfriend.com/water-chemistry/ which rounds to the nearest number... not so scientific, but good enough for our uses)>> Further tweaking may be required, but a good goal is to test several styles of beer and come up with a handful of good generic numbers.
+ The water ion nomograph is pulled from Palmer's [[http://howtobrew.com/section3/chapter15-3.html|How To Brew]]. Looks like our water profile in Raleigh is good for pale, bitter beers; it's got a sulfate:chloride ratio of 3:1. To make darker, maltier beers, some additions will be required. SteveKillen estimates that for our 8ish-gallon water volume, a total of 3.6g chalk, 3.6g baking soda, and 4g of non-iodized salt will provide a better water profile for malty beers like the Bubonic Porter.<<FootNote(Additions calculated using http://www.brewersfriend.com/water-chemistry/ which rounds to the nearest number... not so scientific, but good enough for our uses)>> Further tweaking may be required, but a good goal is to test several styles of beer and come up with a handful of good generic numbers.
  === Cary ===
   * [[http://www.townofcary.org/Departments/Public_Works_and_Utilities/Water/Water_Treatment/finishedwater.htm|Town of Cary Water Quality Report]].

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