Brewdays after Labor Day [wedding brews]

Steve Killen steven.f.killen at
Thu Sep 1 01:25:57 EDT 2011

Greetings, gentle brewers,

So to wrap up the month of August, we brewed four (4) beers. Four! We are
getting an excellent handle on repeatability, at the very least learning the
areas we need to learn in. I have full confidence that the porter and saison
will be giggle-worthy.

We must pause for the week, and that concerns me because our timetable shows
us a bit behind. My next available brewday is Sat 10 Sep, and that is
worrisome indeed. We may need to bottle the saisons or porters
independently, especially if it's just me and Clinton (as has rather often
been the case), which I can do during a weekday if I can get caught up on

Even if we do that, I am looking at brewing two beers the 10th & 11th to
give the ESBs fully 3 weeks to condition in fermenter and bottles. As long
as you're ok with me running the rig solo, Clinton, I can do it.

Also, I shall come over for bottle scrubbing duties as my studies allow. I'm
not about to leave it all to you, Clinton, and I am grateful for the support
you have given thus far. I probably work Tuesday, so can come by then for a
bit if that works for y'all.


Steve Killen
| elvestinkle @ twitter

etsi provectus in sententiis sis
esse parvulus in spiritus debes
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