[Calefaction Wiki] Update of "HomeBrewing/Ingredients" by SteveKillen

Clinton Ebadi clinton at unknownlamer.org
Wed Jan 19 15:18:19 EST 2011

Calefaction Wiki <noreply at calefaction.org> writes:

> The "HomeBrewing/Ingredients" page has been changed by SteveKillen:
> http://wiki.calefaction.org/HomeBrewing/Ingredients?action=diff&rev1=5&rev2=6
>   == Yeast ==
>    * [[http://www.fermentis.com/fo/pdf/HB/EN/Safbrew_T-58_HB.pdf|Safbrew T-58 Dry Yeast]]
> +   * [[http://www.realbeer.com/discussions/showpost.php?s=1f33dbc1adf937ce6d4a5350da00e3e9&p=243079&postcount=3|A bit of advice]] about T-58 from RealBeer

Don't worry about the wet t-shirt not being able to handle it, I am
pretty sure it can. The closet keeps an ambient 66-68F, and with the fan
on high I was able to e.g. cool the black porter from 90F to 70F in ~2
hours... that's a lot of heat transfer power. With the ice water bucket
I bet we can get the wort down to 60F before pitching too (the water was
still ice cold when I cut mine off at 74F).

I guess you could make a spicy Wit, but we do have pretty severe
steeping equipment issues making dealing with the flaked wheat and such
difficult. It might be worth getting a small cooler because the oven
will probably be out of commission for a very long time.

clinton: last time I was a bit weak (*sniff* level four and only 18 hp)
clinton: I had a -1 intelligence modifier for the first three weeks
emacsen: what about your character?
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