[HCoop-Help] Django examples?

Björn Lindström bkhl at elektrubadur.se
Mon Aug 4 14:29:16 EDT 2008

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 20:20, C. Howell <caden at hcoop.net> wrote:
> I've never used Django, but it looks like it requires python.  My
> understanding is that to run an HCoop web server with python you have
> to create an additional instance of apache, with python enabled.  Is
> this what you did?  If not, how are you accessing the working
> instance, and what does your domtool file look like?

That is only necessary if for some reason you have to use mod_python.

If you need to do that, refer to
http://wiki.hcoop.net/RunningYourOwnApache and to Django's
documentation (and to us if you get stuck).

> I believe I read somewhere in the wiki that without using your own
> domain, your site will point to the default virtual host, which has no
> server side scripting in it, just HTML.  So you will probably have to
> set up your own domain in any case.  I am also quite new to HCoop so I
> am hoping someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

That is correct. If you don't have a domain you can get
username.hcoop.net. Since Katie apparently has a domain that shouldn't
be an issue here.

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