[HCoop-Discuss] The Future of wiki.hcoop.net

Jack Hill jackhill at hcoop.net
Thu Feb 11 23:08:46 EST 2021


Some of us had a discussion today on the #hcoop IRC channel about the 
future of wiki.hcoop.net. We got started on that discussion because the 
software we are currently using, MoinMoin 1.9 only works with Python 2, 
not Python 3. Python 2 is no longer being developed upstream and will be 
removed in future Debian releases. Therefore, we're brainstorming what 
software we want to use for the wiki in the future.

To that end, I've created a page on the wiki to gather our thoughts: 

What I've done is just a start to seed discussion and is almost 
certainly missing your favorite wiki or feature. I'd like your help in 
expanding the page. What are the current features of the wiki we like? 
What would we like to see in the next instance of the wiki? How do 
the available wiki software match up against our desires?

I propose that we discuss here what features we would like and as 
consensus builds add those to the wiki page. I think research about wiki 
software can be added directly to the page.

In coöperation,

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