[HCoop-Discuss] Interest in Jabber Transports

Clinton Ebadi clinton at unknownlamer.org
Mon Jul 18 02:39:17 EDT 2011


Since we upgraded fritz to the new Debian stable we are now running
ejabbered 2.1.5 (+ security fixes) vs 2.0.1.

This brings compatibility with the standard jabber transport interface
among miscellaneous other improvements.

This means we can finally install a gateway to other IM services through
our chat service. I was recommended http://spectrum.im/ which would give
us access to a number of chat services with minimal configuration

I'm not sure how many people are actually using jabber. If there is
interest in adding transports to other protocols I'll do the grunt work
and set it up.

Suggestions for messaging services to support are welcome too. I was
thinking AIM, IRC, and identi.ca would be a good initial set.

It looks like spectrum.im uses arcane magic to encapsulate xmpp within
xmpp i.e. it can also support logging into gtalk or facebook chat
through an hcoop account. I'm not particularly interested in that
personally, but if someone wants it...

Jessie: but today i was a nerd
Jessie: i even read slashdot.
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