[HCoop-Discuss] Hardware donations

Richard Darst rkd at hcoop.net
Tue Sep 8 15:01:03 EDT 2009


My research group may upgrade its systems soon, and thus have excess
hardware.  I mentioned HCoop to the cluster person, and he expressed
interest in the possibility of donating some excess stuff to HCoop.

These aren't new systems, but are better than mire.  There could be
multiple boxes available.  For some of the old ones, we might need
a new part (power supplies) or upgrades (memory).


DUAL processor (or maybe dual core)
model name      : AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 244
stepping        : 10
cpu MHz         : 1791.476
cache size      : 1024 KB
bogomips        : 3578.26

Memory is 1GB right now so would certainly need an upgrade.

This seems on the order of mire's specs, except *two* processors.
These were originally bought around 2004, and some of the batch *are*
having hardware problems, but for the most part it is power supply
related which we could solve via newegg.

Perhaps one or two units could be available this week (depending on
our schedule), or before the move to a new colo to hold us over during
the transition phase.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  lefschetz: up 9 days, 18:52
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