[HCoop-Discuss] VPS hosting for HCoop

Adam Chlipala adamc at hcoop.net
Tue May 19 18:02:46 EDT 2009

Ron Senykoff wrote:
> For my usage, I run a couple of CMS solutions backed by MySQL (Joomla!
> and Wordpress). I may be incorrect as I haven't researched the
> problem, but it appears that sometimes I get poor performance out of
> the database. Since the DB is relatively static I have suspected it to
> be a disk i/o issue. My guess is the VPS is hooked up to a SAN. The
> hosting provider should be able to provide some level of expectation
> on disk i/o. Does this exceed our current setup? If so, we are getting
> a benefit.

I don't have any figures on hardware promises by specific providers, 
but, to me, it's the hardware uptime guarantee that is the clearest 
benefit. I think it would be worth going to VPSes even if it means that 
we get lower performance than we currently do. The slow database 
response ATM comes from machine overloading, not fundamental hardware 
capacity, so pretty much any set-up that lets us add new machines easily 
is going to exhibit higher performance, even if it's built from less 
performant servers (virtual or otherwise).

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