[HCoop-Discuss] On organizing people to get work done

Shaun Empie shaun at vpit.net
Mon May 11 22:06:19 EDT 2009

I've historically been a quiet member but this discussion seems important
to where this coop goes into the future.  I think moving to a completely
virtual setup would be unwise.  That may be a great idea for geographic
redundancy and backup though.  It would allow us to backup important
services and information at little cost off-site.

As for getting people involved, let's not forget this is a cooperative. 
Each one of us has or should have a responsibility to the coop.  Instead
of relying on one or two volunteers or paid staff to administer the setup,
could we devise a way to get every member involved?  I think the default
membership should be a set of dues and a job.  If you don't want to
perform a job, then you pay a bit extra.  With over 100 members we can
split into committees and break up the jobs so that no one person has too
much work.  It seems that this would scale well and foster a better
atmosphere.  I don't like this idea that I pay the coop my $5 dues and
"they" owe me something.  If I wanted that I'd pay a hosting company that
provides a SLA.  I think we need a major culture shift.


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