[HCoop-Discuss] On organizing people to get work done

Rob Gubler rgubler at gmail.com
Sun May 10 18:19:43 EDT 2009

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 11:15 AM, John T. Settino <john at johnsettino.com>wrote:

>  There is apparently no need for me to continue to voice my opinions in
> this thread (even though at least one of the 100+ other members agrees with
> me), because apparently I'm just a freeloader here for the discounted rate.
> I didn't know I was obligated to use custom daemons and other such things
> simply because they were /available/ to me.


I'm not sure why you feel like a victim here.  Your opinion regarding your
use of HCoop is just as valid as anyone else.  Your view seems to not too
uncommon in this thread.  It seems that people, like yourself, view HCoop
strictly as a commercial entity who is here to offer you service.  This is
more or less true, but there is one important distinction that needs to be
made; the setup and day to day work that keeps HCoop going is done entirely
by volunteers.

When I interpret what is going on in this thread it seems very clear to me
the volunteers are spread too thin, and there is too much work to go
around.  One of the important aspects of this cooperative is that we're a
community.  We're all suppose to pull our resources together keep HCoop
going.  Everyone contributes monetarily; some more than others.  And, on top
of this people offer their time to keep it running.  Which in my mind is
worth so much more than the absolute minimum membership dues.

No one really wants to see membership dues increase arbitrarily and without
good reason.  Nothing has been decided yet so I would really urge you to
continue voicing your concerns but when you do so its probably a good idea
to keep in mind why and how this cooperative exists.

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