[HCoop-Discuss] VPS hosting for HCoop

Adam Chlipala adamc at hcoop.net
Sun May 10 07:23:57 EDT 2009

Daniel Margolis wrote:
> Mire seems to only have ~5GB RAM and, if I'm reading the output of df 
> right, like 20GB for the OS install and 8GB on AFS, so the above Linode 
> configuration seems still suitable.

I believe none of the 'df' output on mire tells you how much disk is 
allocated to AFS, since mire only has an AFS cache.  I think this 'df' 
output line on deleuze gives the real stat:

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1            140861236  84829860  56031376  61% /vicepa

So we have about 140 GB allocated to AFS, if I'm reading this correctly, 
and we're appreciably close to using it all.  Probably just telling 
members that disk space is easy to add (which it isn't yet) would prompt 
enough storage of large files to bring us to 100% usage and beyond.

This isn't to say that I don't think we can get enough storage on 
Linode.  They let you add extra storage for $2/GB/mo., and most members 
probably want amounts of disk space that fit easily on Linode's largest 
instances by default.

Linode is definitely looking attractive to me now.  I have a Linode 360 
that I've been using for a few months to serve impredicative.com.  I 
haven't run into any problems yet.  Does anyone else with more serious 
Linode/Slicehost/EC2 experience know of any drawbacks we should keep in 

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