[HCoop-Discuss] how do I add options to a poll that I have created?

Brian Templeton bpt at hcoop.net
Fri Jul 31 15:17:56 EDT 2009

Adam Chlipala <adamc at hcoop.net> writes:

> ketti wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Adam Chlipala<adamc at hcoop.net> wrote:
>>> Well, I take offense when people use "they" as a singular. :P  "He" as a
>>> gender-neutral pronoun is well-established, and the one sample here is
>>> consistent both with always using "he" and with alternating between "he"
>>> and "she," both of which strategies I prefer to using "they."
>> (You did not alternate, you used masculine form twice - or is
>> alternation done at a higher level?)
> I think alternating within a single sentence, describing a single 
> referent, comes off as weird/inconsistent.

Agreed. I only do this for individual people who prefer that usage.

>> I don't like "they" as a general drop-in for singular third person
>> either (although some uses of singular "they" are fine with me).
>> In written text I prefer "s/he" (or "ze", I love "ze" ^_^) and "hir".
> Anytime you use any of those options for a general audience, the fact 
> that you chose an unusual pronoun dominates the reader's attention, 
> drawing attention away from your real message.

Perhaps if by "general audience" you mean a subset of cisgender men. The
misuse of gender-specific pronouns and other sexist language has its own
import, and I *do* notice its significance. Yes, I notice the use of
gender-neutral language as well, but it carries a different message:
everyone is welcome, everyone is included, regardless of their gender
identity. Ideally such a sentiment would not be so unusual as to
'dominate' a simple communication, but if it does I don't think it's
really the author's problem.

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