[HCoop-Discuss] Proportional Representation?

Björn Lindström bkhl at elektrubadur.se
Mon Feb 25 14:37:07 EST 2008

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 8:23 PM, Michael Potter <mpotter at hcoop.net> wrote:
>  It's not so much the details as the point of creating a form of
>  proportional representation. I'm talking more about acknowledging real
>  divisions, like allowing people to opt-out of AFS if using 'fs'
>  irritates them, for example.

I doubt you will get our excellent sysadmins to keep working for the
coop for free if you and your "fraction" (though I don't know who else
that would be) started dictating what tools they may or may not use.

Also I love the power of the new AFS based system, and I wouldn't want
to be in a coop that would throw that away because you don't want to
spend 15 minutes checking out the fs man page.

>  Another natural division is resource usage,
>  including how much hand-holding a person will need based on their
>  technical knowledge. I personally need very little and don't wish to pay
>  for help that will, inevitably, have to hold people's hands.

Nobody is paying for that. Any handholding you may have received in
your use of HCoop has been entirely volunteer based and unpaid.

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