[HCoop-Discuss] [docelic,ntk] Balances policy

docelic docelic at mire.hcoop.net
Sun Feb 24 13:37:18 EST 2008

On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 01:27:28PM -0500, Nathan Kennedy wrote:
> I don't think we should disable anything until there has been at least a 
> month of having a negative balance.  As long as they have covered the 
> deposit and we're not at risk at that point of being stuck with a bad 
> debt, let's not be too harsh about this.  Partially disabling services 
> at some point prior to totally kicking the deliquent member out and 
> disabling everything is a good idea, but not the instant the balance 
> drops below zero.

Exactly. I wanted to say the same thing in my reply, but as I said
there, I realized this would defeat the purpose of a deposit.

But if at all we can make something to NOT disable any services as
long as the person is technically not in debt, I want to do that.

Since you Nathan votes Yes, this could simply be considered as a
decision made by Adam and yourself, but I'd appreciate reaching 
an agreement on the specifics of this "denial of service".

And as stated, I'd like to see none happen as long as this formula
holds for the member:

  balance + deposit > last month's minimal member due

This would play nicely with the new code that reduces their pledge
number to 0, and could also be included in the Pledge preferences,
not allowing people to increase their pledge to the amount that is
greater than their current balance.


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