[HCoop-Discuss] Draft data confidentiality policies

Omry Yadan omry at yadan.net
Thu Feb 14 01:10:59 EST 2008

First of all, allow me to express my appreciation of your work.
Thanks for keeping a watchful eye on development that effect HCoop
members, and for pushing the privacy policy!

About the ANTI-FISA:
I agree with the sentiment, but I have a question:
if the US gov passes laws that make it mandatory for us to comply with
random investigations by random agencies, is there really anything we
can do about it?

About the privacy policy:

Section 1:
The last part of the sentence appears to be missing.

Section 2:
it declares network transmission where no HCoop related party is
participating as confidential.

Section 4:
> 4. Stored information that is ordinarily accessible to ordinary users is
> presumed to be public.

I think we need a distinction between public to ordinary users and
public to the world.

Other than those things, no further comments.

Great work.


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