[HCoop-Discuss] [HCoop-Announce] Mire back up

j.c.hallgren at juno.com j.c.hallgren at juno.com
Wed Feb 13 10:04:05 EST 2008

Well, having read numerous emails on this topic, it seems that I am just plain lucky to have not yet moved my site to mire! Because I'd certainly not have been that pleased with an outage that lasts that long without some way to, as absolute minimum, provide a static customized "We are having problems...come back later" page instead of just a 404 error. In my case, having a complete working site on dual setup wouldn't be as practical, but I'd also not just want my users to think my site is just plain gone either. It seems that we have some hardware that could be used for this purpose, or am I totally wrong?
And...whatever happened to the move/conversion process? I've been patiently sitting by waiting for the promised aid in moving from fyodor, but haven't heard a peep for about over a month...and in this case, being back on fyodor really had an advantage in this outage so I'm still a happy user! 

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