[HCoop-Discuss] HCoop archives

Nathan Kennedy ntk at hcoop.net
Sat Feb 2 17:53:21 EST 2008

As I have mentioned a number of times previously, the HCoop archives are 
kept in a chronologically-sorted manila envelope in my underwear 
drawer.  These include original copies of important filed documents like 
our articles of incorporation, IRS letter of determination and 
correspondence, and various tax and business-related documents.

This is not only getting kind of disorganized, but the archives are 
starting to outgrow the manila envelope.

Can I get authorization from another boardmember to spend up to $50 on 
archival-quality (acid-free) folders and boxes?  I shouldn't need that 
much, but I want make sure the documents are secure and well-organized 
and there is room to grow.  I can submit exact receipts for billing.


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