[HCoop-Discuss] ByLaws change vote - 40 voters total?

Nathan Kennedy ntk at hcoop.net
Sat Feb 2 11:47:21 EST 2008

I don't completely agree with with Michael and Peter.  While I encourage 
all members to get involved with the co-op to the maximum extent 
possible, and I would especially urge everyone to make informed votes on 
bylaws amendments and board elections, I don't think everyone who joins 
needs to have that level of involvement.

As long as you pay your dues on time and are not harming the operation 
of the cooperative, either technically or socially, you are contributing 
resources to the co-op.  There's room for people who just want to get 
their hosting services from a coop.  I think being honest and not voting 
because you know you are not informed is better than just voting for 
whatever proposal has the most support.

There are cooperatives out there that require all members to contribute 
equal work to be part of the co-op and consider it free-riding not to do 
so, such as my food co-op.  They price accordingly.  For us, this is 
obviously not workable for reasons discussed before (not everyone can be 
an admin, and admins do a large portion of all the work).


Michael Potter wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-02-02 at 14:18 +0700, Peter Gammie wrote:
>> This sounds like epistemic free-riding to me. :-)
>> http://www.google.com/search?q=epistemic%20free%20riding
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condorcet%27s_jury_theorem
>> (This is not a criticism, I joined HCoop with the same kind of  
>> reasoning applied to sys admin issues.)
> That's a nice way to put it. Perhaps this is what Emerson meant when he
> called conformity a "blind man's bluff." If everyone is following
> everyone else, then we have a group that is very open to suggestion. 
> Michael

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