[HCoop-Discuss] 2005 tax refund

Nathan Kennedy ntk at hcoop.net
Wed Aug 27 10:14:59 EDT 2008

I just spoke to the IRS on the phone about the 1120-X form I had filed way
back when.  Apparently they sent us a refund check for $181.89 back on May
26, 2008.  Unfortunately this was three weeks after I moved and it was
never forwarded to me.  I've spoke to my landlady and she does have a stack
of mail for me which I will go pick up in the next few weeks.  Let's hope
it is in there because otherwise it will take some more months to get the
check reissued.

The refund is because we paid $143 of taxes for 2005 while waiting for our
tax-exempt status to be determined, and it was then granted retroactively. 
They are nice enough to give us interest on that amount.

Once I get the check I will figure out how to go about depositing it. 
Justin, have you been added as a signer on the Wells Fargo account yet?  If
so you will need to endorse the check and then probably deposit it by mail.
 I can't endorse the check because I am not a signer.


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