[HCoop-Discuss] Financial situation

Aaron Hsu arcfide at sacrificumdeo.net
Sat Apr 28 19:01:52 EDT 2007

On Sat, 28 Apr 2007 14:21:36 -0500, Justin S. Leitgeb <leitgebj at hcoop.net>  

> I'd like to hear other member opinions on this issue as I think it's a
> really critical one for the Coop to address as soon as possible.  Thanks
> again for bringing it up, Aaron!

I completely agree here that the sustainability of the COOP needs to be  
ensured. In order to do this, money needs to be always ready for making  
these things happen. I would also like to say that, in my mind, ideally,  
the amount taken out should be just enough to acrue the money necessary to  
expand in the time that it is thought that such an expansion will be  
necessary. That is to say, tracking the growth of the coop, we should be  
saving enough money to cover unanticipated maintainence fees, plus, say,  
if the current numbers show that we will probably need to expand within  
one year, we should be taking out enough so that we have just that needed  
money in a year to perform the upgrade, at which point, we do expand, and  
we can start saving for the next expansion. We should always have enough  
money to cover unanticipated failures, such as drives and other such  
things, though, as someone else pointed out, it might be a good idea to  
have a spare on hand for things that are likely to fail, such as a disk  
drive or power box or some other thing like that.

Aaron Hsu <arcfide at sacrificumdeo.net>
http://www.aaronhsu.com | XMPP/Gtalk: arcfide at xmpp.us
(703) 597-7656 | "No one could make a greater mistake than he who did  
nothing because he could do only a little." - Edmund Burke

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