[HCoop-Discuss] SVN security issues

Karl Chen quarl at cs.berkeley.edu
Wed Nov 8 05:18:06 EST 2006

>>>>> On 2006-11-08 01:48 PST, Max Bowsher writes:

    Max> What about deploying the wrapper hooks into all
    Max> repositories, with permissions set so the user cannot
    Max> replace them?

I believe it is workable, though more complicated and error-prone.
Given the possibility of chmod +t which I had previously not
thought about, it might not prevent the user from most
administration tasks.

    Max> Where would you envisage a potential exec helper being
    Max> configured? I suppose in httpd.conf and/or on the
    Max> svnserve command line?

I propose:
- On startup, record 
    char const *svn_hook_helper = getenv("SVN_HOOK_HELPER")
- In run_hook_cmd() or its callers, prepend svn_hook_helper to the
  exec arguments, if it is not null.

The administrator would configure Apache+mod_dav_svn:
    SetEnv SVN_HOOK_HELPER /path/to/svnhookhelper

svnhookhelper can invoke sudo, suexec, userv, etc.

Karl 2006-11-08 01:59

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