[HCoop-Discuss] Reduced rate qualifications

tanveer at hcoop.net tanveer at hcoop.net
Sat Jul 22 18:29:03 EDT 2006

Long time back, i proposed a system, but that time it was shot down
because we were small. But as we grow we will have to implement it
here it goes
Lets say that we pay 150$/month for the BW and misc charges to the pipe
owners apart from the server costs which we own
Lets say the cost of the server is 500$/year(long term estimate)
no lets say we have 1000GB BW usage.
Use use 200GB/month
we pay .15$/GB of bandwidth
800*0.15 = cost borne by members equally
rest of the 200GB each member will pay as much has he uses

Now lets come to cost of the disk usage
Lets say we have 160GB HDD.
Cost is 50$/160 per GB for one month(it could be anything, costs here are
Now lets say 60GB is unused.
All members pay an equal share for that i.e (50/160)*60
for the used HDD, each member pays his/her own share

This kind of system will not create hierarcies.
Everybody still has one vote
Even the members who use 100MB disk and 100MB BW.
Until our resourse utilizaition is close to 70-805 all members will pay
approx similar, only when utilization goes up, the cost per member will
get proportional to usage. Till then it will remain what it is not. As the
unused part gets shared equally and its the unused part which is being the
major chunk of billing.
So fellas
What do you think
I know i have thrown some random numbers
We really need to sit down and think
things like lets say life of 160GB storage is 2 years, and how much will
it cost for replacement etc., etc.,
This system will enable us to take really heavy users also, and the small
users wont feel that they are paying for somebody else.


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