[HCoop-Discuss] Reduced rate qualifications

Clinton Ebadi clinton at unknownlamer.org
Fri Jul 21 14:41:01 EDT 2006

Nathan Kennedy <ntk at hcoop.net> writes:

> Previously I had advocated on the wiki and the list having a two-tiered 
> (or possibly, three-tiered) pricing scheme when we move to our new 
> hosting setup.  This is because a few of our members don't want or can't 
> afford to pay the higher rate and at the same time have extremely low 
> usage levels such that they cannot justify these costs.  A handful of 
> our members consume most of the bandwidth and disk space usage, a large 
> group falls in the middle with moderate usage, and a small group uses 
> practically no resources.

As one of the members who consume most of the bandwidth and disk
space, I think it would be better to go back to the way we handled
bandwidth on Abulafia (when we had to pay by the gig): if you use more
than the average use level you pay a larger share.

I think it would be simplest to base it on disk usage (as it is the
resource with the largest real cost); if you need 2x the normal quota
you pay 2x the normal member price.

Jabber:clinton at hcoop.net AIM:unknownlamer IRC:unknown_lamer at fnode#hcoop
I'm just thinking aloud; isn't thinking allowed?
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