[Hcoop-discuss] rsnapshot problems

Karl Chen quarl at cs.berkeley.edu
Sun Apr 9 19:38:17 EDT 2006

My guess is there are just too many files for cp to handle, and
strace won't tell us anything we don't already know -- out of
memory, e.g. brk() failed.  If someone does want to run it I would
filter out the 'read' and 'write' syscalls from strace (see '-e'
in man page)

>>>>> On 2006-04-08 15:56 PDT, Justin S Leitgeb writes:

    Justin> strace /bin/cp -al /home/backup/rsnapshot/daily.0/
    Justin> /home/backup/testing
    2> &1 > /tmp/strace.out

Karl 2006-04-09 16:34

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