[Hcoop-discuss] rsnapshot errors

Karl Chen quarl at cs.berkeley.edu
Sun Dec 25 00:11:04 EST 2005

>>>>> On 2005-12-24 09:00 PST, Adam Chlipala writes:

    Adam> We're using the rsnapshot Debian package.  I'm confused
    Adam> as to why it's using 'cp' instead of 'mv' for this
    Adam> operation in the first place.  It looks to me like that
    Adam> copy operation is part of deleting the oldest backup and
    Adam> rotating every other to the next lower slot number.

    Adam> It definitely uses 'rsync' for what I take to be the
    Adam> "interesting" part.

The --link-dest option greatly simplifies the logic for this kind
of script, but, even ignoreing that, just replacing 'cp' with
'rsync' would be a good idea for the other reasons I said.

Karl 2005-12-24 21:06

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