[Hcoop-discuss] CGI/PHP script security

Karl Chen quarl at cs.berkeley.edu
Fri Dec 16 21:05:30 EST 2005

>>>>> On 2005-12-16 07:57 PST, Adam Chlipala writes:

    Adam> Adam Chlipala wrote:
    >> I'm curious: is anyone else serving/retrieving large files
    >> through our Apache?  10 seconds already makes it pretty
    >> trivial for a buggy infinite-looping script to take down
    >> Apache.

You can use something such as 'and' (auto nice daemon) which
allows more complex criteria for killing (and nicing) processes,
such as using x% CPU or x seconds of *CPU time* (rather than
wallclock time).

As for the server being slow/unresponsive, every time it's
unresponsive for me, it turns out it's running the backup job.  Is
DMA enabled?  I notice that hdparm is installed but
/etc/hdparm.conf doesn't contain any stanzas to enable DMA.

Karl 2005-12-16 18:05

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