[Bond-users] Multiple selection

Vladimir Voznesensky voznesensky at rts.ru
Tue Jul 2 02:09:37 EDT 2013


Erza, thanks for your answer.

Well, PostgreSQL is pretty flexible for managing sets and subsets. 
Unfortunately, I cannot find a Bond way for an GUI end-user to mark a 
subset of the list in Bond, so your fair explanation does help to not 
solve the main problem.

It seems that there is now way in current Bond to mark a subset of some 
query result set (using Ctrl-click on the GTK+ tree widget or so). Is it 

Thanks in advance.

01.07.2013 22:02, Ezra Tucker ?????:
> Hi Vladimir,
> I think what you may be looking for could involve using a WITH clause 
> in your SQL query:
> www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/queries-with.html 
> <http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/queries-with.html>
> It's useful if you're trying to query a query.
> For viewing it, I'd use a dynamic list (dynamic="true") in Bond:
> <list dynamic="true" sortable="true" name="myquery-outputs">
>   <dbobject name="myquery-outputs">
>     <sql>
>       WITH (...)
>       SELECT (...) FROM (...)
>     </sql>
>   </dbobject>
>   <column title="?">
>     <field/>
>   </column>
> </list>
> I personally might shy away from using VALUES lists- fine for having 
> static values, but bad if you would ever want to change it.
> Another option-- if you're interested in still using VALUES, or 
> executing a dynamic query, I might recommend writing a function in 
> pl/pgsql that EXECUTEs a string as a query.
> Does that help?
> -Ezra
> *Ezra R. Tucker*
> Senior Analyst |*Altenex LLC*
> 7 Liberty Square | Boston, MA 02109
> t: 617.500.0105 | m: 818.203.0269
> ezra.tucker at altenex.com <mailto:ezra.tucker at altenex.com>
> www.altenex.com <http://www.altenex.com>
> On Jul 1, 2013, at 1:24 PM, Vladimir Voznesensky <voznesensky at rts.ru 
> <mailto:voznesensky at rts.ru>> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Does Bond have a possibility to select several items from a result of
>> some query?
>> It could be used in VALUES lists (
>> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/queries-values.html ).

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