[Bond-users] Can Bond deal with Rows returned from function via refcursor

Dru dru at treshna.com
Wed Jan 10 20:18:41 EST 2007

I've used pl/pg a lot for my applications. But i've only tried returning 
record sets yet from pl/pg for combo dropdown boxes, not anything else.
I've used pl/pg for the application logic mostly, not as a system for 

A number of features in bond require simplier SQL statements that the 
sql parser can understand, but its not essential. It will still work 
with complex sql statements but creating runtime dynamic joins wont work 
within bond because bond wont understand the SQL statement to add 
dynamic joins. The sort of things effected here are the search features 
and loadby features.

Dynamic columns proberly wont work for inserting or updating data using 
bond. But selects should work fine.  At programme startup bonddb queries 
the database and finds out all the tables and fields in the database and 
there default values etc which is then used when inserting or updating 

Everything goes though bonddb, so if bonddb can't handle it bond can't 
handle it. In complex situations in the past i've just created a test 
case in bonddb/bonddb/bonddbtest.c which demonstrates what i want to do 
and i see what breaks and fixed it to get working. Whats involved there 
is finding a test case similar to what you want to do and copy and paste 
it with your sql.

Is there any other way around it other than returning dynamic record 
set? If you dont use curses and use return next in pl/pgsql does it 
work?  so its  ' SELECT * FROM somefunc(); ' instead.  Thats how i've 
done it in the past.
Does the record set need to be used for insert/updates ?

Colin Close wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm very new to Bond and I am try to write a small application. Part of
> the application uses Plpg functions. I have taken this approach in the
> hope I might simplify some fairly complicated joins.
> In one case I use the following SQL to call my function:
SELECT tetly_classic(
                                       "user entered variable",
FETCH ALL IN funcursor;
> The query returns a number of columns and a number of rows.
> I do not have sufficient grasp of Bond yet to know whether this is possible.
> I have looked at the examples but have not spotted anything that might
> deal with this construct.
> I know that Plpg function can be used in Bond but this one has me stumped.
> Any clues greatly appreciated.
> Best
> Colin Close
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