[SQLiteJDBC] Force write to disk

Brian Vincent brainn at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 11:44:20 EDT 2012

I don't understand.  You're using transactions right?  You're grouping your
writes into logical groups starting with "BEGIN" and ending with "COMMIT"?
 When the commit returns back to you, the database is assuring you that
your transaction has been written to disk.

Read this:

You must be creating an implicit transaction and never doing any of the
actions that will make it commit to disk, other than close.  Use BEGIN and
COMMIT.  It'll solve all your problems.

P.S.  This sqlitejdbc library isn't really maintained anymore.  I switched
to sqlite4java a long time ago.  It's better maintained, but it is not a
jdbc implementation.  It's simply a lightweight wrapper over sqlite native
functions.  Because of that, it works better if you want to use any weird
sqlite specific features.

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Javier Sedano <javier.sedano at novabase.es>wrote:

> Hi, friends,
>  I've got a little problem (well... not so little), let's see if you have
> any idea.
>  I've been using sqlitejdbc for several months with the following approach:
> 1) Upon star-up, I open a connection to the DB.
> 2) During the application life-cycle it creates threads, that do
> operations onto the DB (both insert/update/delete and selects). FYI, it is
> a simple SOAP WS (each SOAP connection creates a thread).
> 3) When the application ends, it closes the DB connection.
> So far, so good.
> However, while the DB schema has grown, an extrange behaviour has been
> noticed: the writes are not made to the DB file until it is closed. I
> suppose it is done as a performance enhancement (notice that although
> changes are not written to disk, they are available for further SELECTs on
> other threads, so I gues they are kept in a memory caché).
> It has two problems for me:
> 1) For debugging, we use to do the SOAP request and (without stopping the
> server), browse the DB on sqlitestudio. Now this cannot be done, because
> changes are not written to the DB until the application closes the DB.
> 2) If the application crashes for any reason, the changes are not written
> to the file.
> Is there a way that I can force a write to the file?
> I've searched the Internet and the only proposed solution is to close() de
> DB to force the write. However, I cannot do that on my multi-threaded
> environment, because another therad may be currently doing anything.
> Any other idea?
> Thanks and regards,
> ----
> Javier Sedano
> Novabase
> javier.sedano at novabase.es
> +34 666 584 734
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