Ciclovia in Raleigh

Sebastian Fernandez Giraldo sfernan at
Sun Sep 2 14:12:57 EDT 2012

Hello peoples, I'm thinking of starting something like this  in Raleigh. Basically once a month we
pick a route through downtown Raleigh and we go bike around from 10 to 2.
Right now I'm thinking a loop that goes around moore square and nash
square. All we need is two coolers filled with water and two (or more)
people to guard them. I guess tables for the coolers as well. We can do it
the third Sunday of every month so we have time to get the ball rolling on
this month. Anyone interested?
To do:
Make a flyer.
Pick a name (Biketown Raleigh?)
Find two gatorade coolers.
Tell all the peoples.

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