Brewing tomorrow (2/15)

Clinton Ebadi clinton at
Wed Feb 15 00:53:01 EST 2012

Steve Killen <steven.f.killen at> writes:

> Hey folks,
> So, we brew the brown ale Wednesday. Reckon I'll be by around noon--that should
> give us time to get the mash going so Clinton can run his errands. We've got
> the grist and hops ready to go, so unless you need anything else from the FLHS
> I'll just show up direct.

I have work until 1!

But if you want to head over around ... 12:30 that works -- I won't be
able to help much until one and then have to take Kristen to class at
1:30 (takes about 30 minutes round trip).

What I'll do is ... between stories &c pull out brewing equipment.

My goal is to have the mash going before I take Kristen to class (seems
like a good pausing point) and then hope that we're in a reasonable
place for me to depart from 4:30 until 5:10 (trek back from picking
Kristen up is longer in the evening owing to traffic).

Plz remember to bring your racking cane.

NEW EXPERIMENT: let's use the bottling bucket to store the wort. The
Internet seems to imply this is OK and it'd be way easier.

<RetroJ`> here's something interesting about one of these chinese
          pop music videos I've found.. it illustrates the
          cultural barrier nicely.  this young female pop star is
          wearing a t-shirt with the confederate flag
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