[Calefaction Wiki] Update of "HomeBrewing" by SteveKillen

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Sat Apr 23 09:06:32 EDT 2011

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The "HomeBrewing" page has been changed by SteveKillen:

  == Software ==
-  * [[http://www.usermode.org/code.html|QBrew]] recipe formulation tool and batch log. Available in Debian, and indispensable for the Free Software loving brewer. Lacking a few features compared to proprietary offerings, but bpt and ClintonEbadi are programmers...
+  * [[http://www.usermode.org/code.html|QBrew]] recipe formulation tool and batch log. Available in Debian, and indispensable for the Free Software loving brewer. Lacking a few features compared to proprietary offerings, but bpt and ClintonEbadi are programmers... We don't use it anymore, but [[QBrew]] could be improved if one felt like it. 
   * [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/brewtarget/|Brewtarget]] A newer Free Software brewing tool. Looks similar to QBrew, but apparantly shares no code, and appears to be actively maintained.
- === QBrew Gripes ===
- Let's bitch about the missing features so that ClintonEbadi might suffer some C++ and add them to QBrew...
-  * No tool to replace hops in recipe with different AA% hops
-    * Kind of a pain to manually recalculate hop amounts when actual AA% differs from recipe AA%. Equation is simple: ''weight'' × (''recipe aa'' / ''actual aa''), but why not have the computer do it?
-  * Recipe html export and printed versions do not list hop AA%
-  * Units for grains are limited to pounds or kilograms, the ability to switch to ounces or grams would be helpful for e.g. black patent additions
  == Location Specific ==

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