[HCoop-Misc] Collocation... What does it really entail?

Tanveer Singh tanveer1979 at gmail.com
Tue May 15 07:32:28 EDT 2007

My understanding of collocation is that you buy your own hardware and
put it in a datacenter.
I have a few questions
1. You have to go to the datacenter and put it in yourself?
2. Who sees that the hardware does not fail. For example if a disk fails at 1am?
3. Regular hardware maintenance, who sees this
4. Do you need to be present physically in the city/country where your
hardware is collocated.
5. hcoop is collocating. We will have one server at first. Suppose
some big website in the future wants to join hcoop, but their
requirement is 2GB of RAM and 80GB of harddisk all to themselves,
basically a dedicated server for them, can hcoop space in the
datacenter accomodate then. Of course there will be financial
6. Tomorrow when hcoop grows, will there be enough robust support to
handle a website which wants a downtime of less than 10 minutes a
week? Lets say they are willing to pay 250$/month. Are we looking at
that route?

thanks for your time

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