[HCoop-Misc] Status update

Nathan Kennedy ntk at hcoop.net
Fri Feb 23 17:24:32 EST 2007

As a few of you know I haven't been in too great shape for the past month.
 I'm letting you HCOOP folks be among the first to know that as a result
of my recent health problems, etc., I am in the process of obtaining a
medical leave of absence from my law school.  Hopefully I will be back in
school by this fall or next spring in some capacity, whether full time or
night division and whether it's here or somewhere else, but for now I am
working on regrouping, getting back in shape, and seeking immediate
full-time employment.

Of relevance to HCOOP:
1. I'm not moving anywhere.  I should be staying right here in Jamaica,
Queens for at least a year, and probably remaining in the city for

2. Right now, although I will be making finding a job #1 priority, I
should actually be _more_ responsive and have more time to devote to
HCOOP.  I'll be getting caught up on the list archives I've been skimming,
and if I'm wanted to recompile a kernel or anything else that needs doing,
now would be a good time for me to do it.

3. In the longer term I expect that I will still be able to fulfil my
HCOOP duties, although once I get a 9-5 or such I may not have as much
schedule flexibility and will almost certainly be totally unavailable
during my working hours (e.g. not reading #hcoop or hcoop emails).  I'm
looking for either legal or tech jobs, and I will disclose any conflict of
interest should there be any.  Of course if there is a significant
conflict of interest I would resign my position on the board, although I
don't see that as a likely scenario.

Anyway, thanks everyone for your encouragement.  Job pointers are also
welcome (off-list, please).


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