[HCoop-Help] Cert renewal for letsencrypt

Srikanth Sastry sastry at hcoop.net
Mon May 6 10:05:21 EDT 2019


My acme.sh cron job seems to be running fine, the certs appear to be renewed, but the actual cert presented to the browser is still the old expired one. (e.g. https://www.sastry.name, https://dav.sastry.name ).



sastry at marsh:~/.acme.sh$ ./acme.sh --cron

[Mon May  6 10:02:11 EDT 2019] ===Starting cron===

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] Renew: 'coolshankin.com'

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] Skip, Next renewal time is: Fri May 31 18:38:34 UTC 2019

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] Add '--force' to force to renew.

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] Skipped coolshankin.com

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] Renew: 'dav.sastry.name'

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] Skip, Next renewal time is: Fri May 31 18:38:38 UTC 2019

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] Add '--force' to force to renew.

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] Skipped dav.sastry.name

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] Renew: 'sastry.name'

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] Skip, Next renewal time is: Fri May 31 15:42:26 UTC 2019

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] Add '--force' to force to renew.

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] Skipped sastry.name

[Mon May  6 10:02:12 EDT 2019] ===End cron===

sastry at marsh:~/.acme.sh$



Do I have to explicitly request installation of renewed certs each time?




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