[HCoop-Discuss] TLS Perfect Forward Secrecy etc.

Sajith T S sajith at hcoop.net
Fri Apr 11 16:35:01 EDT 2014


It's quite comforting to know that HCoop has remained immune to the
latest internet catastrophe simply by running the stablest Debian. :)
Yay us!

The EFF are advising HTTPS sites to implement forward secrecy as a
measure to mitigate the next Heartbleed if/when it happens.  How about
HCoop?  Is it possible to enable this today without breaking a bunch
of other stuff?

Also, this report doesn't look pretty:


Speaking of which, I remember there being talks about HCoop getting a
"properly" signed wildcard certificate, or perhaps becoming a signing
authority by itself.  I can't find the relevant thread, but I was
wondering if it's still in the plan, and if it's a thing that can be
done without breaking Clinton's back and breaking the bank, etc.


"the lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne."
                 -- Chaucer.

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