[HCoop-Discuss] Spambot attacking DomTool/LanguageReference, notes

Steve Taylor staylor at hcoop.net
Thu Mar 13 13:07:34 EDT 2008

That spambot, real or mechanical, is attacking Domtool/LanguageReference.

I'm out and probably won't be able to persuade my dentist to browse the wiki.
(or to forget my password, if it's needed)

These are the logic steps of code to catch spam and revert it. Take a few steps back and you can start at RecentChanges or an edit-log

do this 

lynx -dump http://wiki.hcoop.net/DomTool/LanguageReference?action=info > FILENAME

to a file or to a pipe that does this test:

If the first line that says "Date Size Diff" has a bizarre/unknown
UserName after the the last "{XX}" on the the line

If the next line starts with "\s*http://"

Then a spambot has done it and you can revert it with this:


(49 is just the latest Admin revert version number. The last real and
    wanted change is at #12

(this is the snipped output of the lynx -dump)

   # Date Size Diff Editor Comment Action
   51 2008-03-13 16:31:21 12220 (_) (_) [22]StephenTaylor Revert to
   revision 49.  [23]view [24]raw [25]print
   50 2008-03-13 16:18:13 2122 (_) (_) 222 .,
   http://ergh307y.cn/kansasgovernor.html kansas governor nha,

When I get fed up or feel healthier I probably will turn that logic
into a script. Comments are welcome as is reverting that page if



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