[HCoop-Discuss] Xanadu wins!

Nathan Kennedy ntk at hcoop.net
Sun Feb 24 14:29:20 EST 2008

A live drawing was just held in #hcoop.  I could not possibly decide 
between the entries on the wiki, so I chose at random between the set of 
finalists that I did choose, of xanadu, spire, blaze (Davor got two 
entries), hopper, and keeping thymus.  The MD5 hash 
Uber-Hostname-Selection-Algorithm picked xanadu.  Congratulations John 
Chakerien, unfortunately you do not get any prize, unless you count 
getting to name a server as a prize.

So the new name of the Dell 1650 will henceforth be xanadu.hcoop.net.  I 
already logged in and renamed it.

Thank you for your time,

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