[HCoop-Discuss] [HCoop-Announce] Mire back up

David Crawshaw crawshaw at hcoop.net
Tue Feb 12 15:45:05 EST 2008

Steve Johnson wrote:
> This should be a priority, not an "After that".  Web services are the
> most impacted when mire goes down, and web services are probably the
> most commonly used service at hcoop. (maybe mail is #1.. Web #2).. So
> this really should be #1 on the list here.

If the DNS dies, the web goes down very quickly. That means there are
currently two points of failure for the web, mire and the dns server
(possibly three, depending on how AFS is configured). It also means
there are two points of failure for mail services.

It seems clear that an external DNS is the first priority.


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